What’s the Word?

Making Attendance a Priority


Now that the second half of the school year is well underway, both students and staff have settled into a nice groove. Often, though, the newfound sense of comfort with their teachers and material can cause students and parents to put less emphasis on attendance.

Attendance is Necessary

Making regular attendance a priority is necessary to the success of each student, no matter how well they grasp the material of how far ahead they may seem in their schoolwork. One of the many advantages we offer at Summit Academy North Elementary is a hands-on learning environment. The projects and activities that our staff puts together for students are not things that can be made up or replicated at home. Students who miss class are deprived of the opportunity to understand learning concepts first hand and ask questions if need be.

Be Prepared to Share

Preparation is essential to good attendance. When children are prepared to share their school work or academic experiences, they are more excited about attending school and participating in class. Encourage your child to prepare for school each day and take an interest in what they are doing in class. By showing them that learning is important to you, you are also letting them know that school is not optional.

While we understand that illnesses, life events, and other situations will occur, getting your child to school on a regular basis and on time is a sure way to give them the best education possible.

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Recommended March Movie:

Disney’s The Color of Friendship

Based on a true story, The Color of Friendship tells the beautiful story of two young girls who come from different worlds and are blinded by social prejudices and the biases of their parents.

Set in the 1970s, a time of apartheid and strong racial tension among blacks and whites, the entire family can benefit from the powerful message of Friendship presented in this movie.

High schooler, Piper, is so excited to host a South African exchange student in her home. However, she is shocked to discover that not only is the exchange student, Mahree Bok, a white South African; she is also extremely prejudice against black people. After a period of iciness, Piper and Mahree begin to discover how wrong their assumptions about each other are and slowly develop a bond of close companionship. Their new friendship is tested when Mahree’s family discovers that she is being hosted by a black family and demands her immediate return to the states after a historical event threatens to promote social unrest. Will these girls allow the hate and prejudice around them to get in the way of their new friendship?

Be sure to check your local library for a copy of this movie, or simply visit


to purchase or rent a copy for your collection.

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The Origin of Black History Month

As you likely know, last month was Black History month. Most Americans associate the month with the time we all reflect on the contributions African Americans have made to our country.

Although students spent much of the month learning about different black Americans who have influenced our lives, let’s take a brief look at how black history month came to be an important part of our culture.

The Early Days

Contrary to popular belief, the idea that black history should be a part of society was introduced much earlier than recent decades. In 1926, a historian named Carter G. Woodson determined that the second week of February would be Negro History Week. The week was selected because of its proximity to the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. While it was not successfully made into a national effort, the Department of Education in the states of North Carolina, Delaware, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C. agreed to encourage the teaching of African-American history in the schools. Even though it took a while to gain traction, Negro History Week helped start the creation of black history clubs and gained the interest of teachers and many white Americans. As it found popularity with mayors across the country over the following decades, they proclaimed it a holiday.

In Modern Times

In 1976 Negro History Week was officially changed to Black History Month by the United States government under President Gerald Ford. Schools across the country use the month to focus on curriculum that teaches students about the efforts and accomplishments of black Americans. Additionally, civil rights group and advocates point to the need for a month focusing on the history of a minority group as a reminder of the importance of diversity in our schools and in what is being taught to our children.

*Did You Know?

The United Kingdom and Canada also celebrate black history month during the month of February.

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Better for Diversity


Helping all our students show their light to the world and grow up as compassionate, free thinking, and respectful individuals is a responsibility we take seriously at Summit Academy. The diversity in our schools and our commitment to serving a variety of students, no matter their background or situation, is one of the many reasons parents trust us with their children.

With the rise of bullying and disrespect found in other schools, we understand how important it is to provide students with a safe place to learn where they do not have to worry about being themselves and expressing their individuality. Each member of our staff is committed to giving our students the respect they deserve and making sure that they feel welcome in our family. Additionally, our students continue to attend our school because of how easy they find it to fit in and discover friends who they can relate to and form lasting bonds with. At Summit Academy, it is easy for us to show love and respect to our students because anything less is simply not welcome.

Is your child interested in learning about other cultures? Our multicultural club, headed by Guadalupe Serrato, would be more than happy to have them. This is a wonderful way for young ones to gain exposure to other cultures and discuss their idea and opinions in a fun and positive group.

Share Your Thoughts!

This month, we encourage you to tell us why you think Summit Academy is better for diversity. Leave us a comment on our Facebook page with your thoughts and the hashtag #SummitIsBetter.

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