Building Friendships:
In High School
Sharing your successes, failures, and feelings with someone is what the best friendships are built on. These types of friendships are invaluable, especially during the teen years.
Yet, as kids get older making friendships get harder. One of the best things about Summit Academy North High School is the family atmosphere found in our school. Even new students will find it easy to fit in and build friendships that will last a lifetime.
You play a crucial role in helping your child find good association and encouraging those bonds to grow. Here are 3 tips that can help you guide them in forming friendships, and hopefully, finding close friends they can grow through life with.
Encourage them to expand their current circle.
Interacting with those who are different from us helps shape us into a better-rounded person. Show your teen that friends from different cultural backgrounds, age groups, and economic backgrounds can make their lives fuller and expose them to new ways of thinking.
Lead by example.
No matter how old they get, kids tend to mirror their parents. They will notice if you do not have a variety in your group of friends or if you seem uncomfortable around new people. Even if you do not have a diverse group of friends, involve your teen in activities or take them places where they can interact with different people. Giving them the opportunity to interact with others shows them that you are accepting of all people.
Accept their friends.
It may be hard to understand all of their friendships, but some of the best friendships don’t make sense to others. As long as their friend does not pose a threat to their well-being, try to keep an open mind and treat all of acquaintances with respect and kindness.
Five Tips for a Successful School Year
High school is an exciting and often hectic experience for both you and your child.
Guiding them through this chapter can be difficult, but we are here to help you keep them on track and make the most of the experience. Here are 5 tips you can give your teen to help them have a successful school year.
1. Study, study, and study some more.
Studying and preparing well means better grades and less anxiety. Additionally, when your child studies often they will be better able to share what they learn with others.
2. Do what you love.
Summit Academy North High School offers electives and opportunities that will appeal to your teen. Encourage them to take advantage of those offerings and create the experience they want for themselves.
3. Be a joiner.
Kids who join clubs and sports tend to be more goal focused and successful in life. When your teen participates in extracurricular activities, they learn to share ideas and are exposed to other goal oriented peers.
4. Get organized.
It is difficult to succeed in high school without good organization skills. Help your child get organized by focusing on key organization skills such as time management, cleanliness, and building a strong routine.
5. Remember you’re still a kid.
High school comes with many responsibilities and is a progression towards adulthood. Still, remind your child that they are not an adult yet and to enjoy the remainder of their childhood.
Dailin (Jeff) Hicks

Age: 15
Favorite subject:
Favorite Teacher:
Ms. Becker and Ms. Gunter
Why he loves Summit Academy:
“The teachers and staff as whole understand the students and how we think. Their teaching methods are easy to grasp, helping kids not only to learn, but to retain information. They’re willing to help if you’re willing to be helped.”
Melanie Hall

Age: 16
Favorite subject:
Favorite Teacher:
Mr. Charlefour and Ms. Becker
Why he loves Summit Academy:
“I love the commitment to getting students to graduate.”
Whittney Bender

Time at Summit Academy North High School:
Whittney has been with Summit for 5 years.
Whittney in three words:
Determined, Optimistic, Caring.
Why she loves Summit Academy:
I love the students! We have the most remarkable, creative and visionary students. I get to see who they become and all that they dream of doing! It is truly an honor to be a part of their lives and guide them to their futures. I love working with staff here as well. I have an amazing team who push be to be a better teacher, inspire me with new ideas, and share in my ups and downs. I am very lucky to work with some of the best educators I have ever met.
Most memorable moment at Summit:
I have two: Every year at graduation, I hold it together all night…until I get home and cry with my husband! Being a part of the lives of these kiddos is truly an honor and privilege but watching them move on is bittersweet. It makes me so happy and also a little sad not to see their faces in our halls— but it is always my favorite moment of the year! It’s our goal achieved for all of them and for us as their champions. The second is when I take my students to read to the elementary school. The kindergarteners and the high school kids both love it. It is an amazing experience. They light up with joy and stories to share.
Interesting fact about her:
I am actually very creative and love to make things! I make painted wood signs, crafts, etc. I also love to go to vintage markets and shop for beat up, old stuff that I can turn into something new. I love to repurpose things in interesting ways.