Why Doing Homework is Important

A lot of students loathe schoolwork done at home. This can result in them simply ignoring homework assignments. Additionally, the various distractions children are faced with each day may contribute to their lack of enthusiasm for homework.

But is homework really that important? This is a question that almost all students have probably asked at some point or another. Well, homework set before a lesson can aid better understanding in class. It also provides great opportunities for effective classroom discussions when done properly. This further reinforces lessons learned at school and help children enhance their research skills.

Students must understand that homework is not given to add more to their academic requirements. In fact, it is believed that homework is critical to the success of students. Some research has even shown a relationship between homework and test scores. This means that those who accomplish their assignment are more likely to achieve academic success and score higher on exams.

Students probably do not realize that homework is crucial for establishing important life skills such as time management and organization.

Their critical thinking skills can also be improved. It allows them to work independently and conduct research on their own, as well as organize ideas gathered.

Self-mastery and discipline are important attributes for a successful student to possess, and these can be achieved by doing their homework. If your child is struggling to complete homework assignments, we encourage you to reach out to us for assistance. Addressing homework issues as early as possible will result in a better letter experience for your child.

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Teaching Your Child to Advocate for Themselves

As a parent, you are often the sole advocates for your children. You step in when needed to help them negotiate and you speak up on their behalf at school. Yet as they spend more time away from you, learning to advocate for themselves becomes more essential.

Self-advocacy is a very powerful skill that your child needs to learn since it will help them both socially and academically.

Help your child to develop this skill and learn to speak up. Here are some effective tips to begin training your kids to advocate for themselves:

  • Don’t always step in and handle your child’s problem. Doing so will take away the opportunity for them to learn how to deal with a difficult issue.
  • Help your child recognize their strengths and weaknesses. Help them develop strengths and build on them, while overcoming their weaknesses.
  • Recognize and appreciate the opportunities when your child is able to speak up for themselves.
  • Look for a role model, like a teacher or a mentor for your child.
  • Remind them that it is often a good thing to do things that are difficult and that make them feel uncomfortable. Help them realize that these things will often make them more capable of dealing with problems they may face in the future

Teaching your child to advocate for themselves is not always easy. They need to want this level of independence and develop the right attitude to do so. With some words of encouragement and support, you can help them learn self-advocacy.

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Ways your Family can Get Involved in the Community

Community involvement will not only benefit those you help, but your kids and the entire family as well. It is an incredible way to help your kids feel connected to society and valued. It can also bring your family together to help address the needs in the community.

Your community plays an important role to the wellbeing and learning of your child. So, whether you are just starting to get involved in your community or you want to enhance your relationship with everyone around you, here are some effective ways your family can be an active participant in your community.

Participate in Volunteer Projects

You might think that you don’t have a lot of time to get involved as a volunteer, but a little time here and there can greatly benefit those in your community. You could try participating as a volunteer by being a mentor to a young person, visiting the hospital or even just befriending a lonely elderly person. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. Just do something that suits your time and needs.

Help your Neighbors

Offer your neighbor some support. Assist your child with checking in on neighbors who may need help shoveling or doing things around their home. This can be a great way to get to know new people in the community.

Make Donations

Collect old items as a family, like clothing, and donate them to homeless shelters in your local area. You can also hold your own food drive in an effort to donate to local food pantries or other families you may know in need..

Becoming an active part of the community doesn’t have to be too complicated. You will find that this is the most amazing thing you can do for your community and an excellent teaching lesson for your kids.

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How to Help Your Child Handle Peer Pressure

Although children of all ages experience peer pressure at some point in their life, it is most common among tweens and teenagers. Peer pressure is not always bad, but there is little doubt about the negative impact it can have on children at the middle school level.

Those who want to become popular and get approval from their peers may become involved in risky acts and behavior like shoplifting, alcohol, drugs and cheating in class. All these can have long-term, negative effects in their lives. By working together, we hope to prevent all of our students from succumbing to this type of peer pressure.

Your role as their guardian or parent is crucial in helping them deal with peer pressure. Here are some tips to help your child handle this difficult situation.

Don’t Overreact

You have to prepare yourself for the worst. Though the things your child tells you can be upsetting and painful to hear, don’t lecture or overreact. If you do this, they may never want to bring the issues up again. Listen without judging to the best of your ability.

Talk about Effective Responses to Peer Pressure

If your child is unprepared to respond to this kind of pressure, they might just give in. Discuss some effective responses and recommend ways that could help them get out of an unforgettable situation. This is the perfect age to help your child draw their own conclusions through the power of reasoning.

Encourage your Child to Select the Right Friends

You can encourage your tween to become selective with the friends whom they spend most of their time with. Your child should look for those with qualities he admires and who share the same ethics and values.

Talk openly with your child. How you react and what you say can help them deal with peer pressure effectively.

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Summit Academy Gets a Makeover

Things are looking better than ever for Summit Academy.

It’s with great enthusiasm that we introduce the new-and-improved Summit Academy logo. The crown jewel of our recent rebranding efforts, the logo thoughtfully symbolizes our mission to help students reach the peak of their potential.

The first thing you’ll notice about the logo is that it resembles the top of a mountain. But if you study a little more closely, you’ll notice it also bears the look-and-feel of a maze. This creative element is meant to express how Summit Academy leads students upward through the various forks in the road they will encounter during their education.

The new logo is just one of component of our sweeping image transformation. Here are a few other changes we’re rolling out as we bring Summit Academy into the future.

Drop the Dash: Say goodbye to that annoying little dash. To eliminate any confusion about where to find us online, we changed our website address from “summit-academy.com” to “summitacademy.com”. The new URL is here to stay, so be sure to update your bookmark!

New Website: In addition to “dropping the dash,” we completely overhauled the content, navigation and look-and-feel of our website. These changes will help students and parents find the information they’re looking for quickly and easily. And since the new site scales seamlessly across any device, you’ll have the same experience navigating summitacademy.com on your smartphone or tablet as you would on your laptop.

New Athletic Logo: Beyond changing our school logo, we also transformed the face of our athletic program. Featuring spikes, a new color scheme and an aggressive eye that radiates intensity, the new logo is bolder, tougher and better reflective of our dragon mascot. If you want to beat Summit Academy, you’ve got to go through our new logo!

Be sure to let us know what you think of our new logos and website on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #newyearnewsummit.

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