Read better- When it comes to becoming a better reader, the important thing to remember is that you can make reading fun and enjoyable. It’s also important to remember that you can become a better reader, and that will make you better versed and educated as a whole. Below are ten tips for becoming a better reader.

1. Quantity- It’s important to remember that when you want to be a better reader that you need to make sure you have a large quantity of reading material. The greater the amount of reading material you have, the more likely you are to switch up with reading different things, and that gives you more variety as a reader. Thus, quantity is key when it comes to becoming a better reader.

2. List- One of the best ways to become a good reader is to remember to create a good list, so that you can get the best when it comes to knowing what you want to read, reading more great stuff, and a whole lot more. Listing truly offers the best in organization, and structure, when it comes to getting what you want and truly need with your reading. Listening also helps you know what you have and have not read, and that will keep you on point for new reading adventures. Be sure to create your reading list today.

3. Audio books- If you often times have trouble reading, or can’t stay focused on a good book, be sure to try audio books. Audio books offer the best when it comes to you getting what you want and need with listening and reading being combined as one. Audio books can help you use your imagination more, and they can truly enhance your overall reading experience. Be sure to dive into a good audio book today.

4. Book club- Of course, one of the best ways to become a better reader is to remember to join a book club. With a book club, you can get more options, and you can get the best when it comes to being held accountable, being organized, and talking about the material you read with others. Remember that when you join a book club, you can and will get the best in a team effort put in, with great reading abilities, and fun times.

5. Slow- It’s important to remember that if you want to become a better reader that you need to remember to take it slow. When you take it slow in the reading process, you can understand more of what you wrote, grasp better concepts, and more. Be sure to take it slow, so you can truly soak in and enjoy the whole reading process.

6. Write- Remember that if you want to become a better reader that you need to remember to write something, and write something every day. When you write something every day, you can guarantee that you’ll get the best when it comes to a real quality reading experience. Reading and writing go hand in hand, so be sure to remember to engage in both, so that you can and will get the best when it comes to a real reading experience.

7. Read aloud- Of course, one of the best ways to make sure that you get the best when it comes to reading is to remember to read aloud. Reading aloud helps with comprehension, and it also lets you understand what you’re taking in as a whole. Thus, be sure to remember to read aloud, so that you can understand what you’re reading better.

8. Comfort- Of course, one of the key ways to make sure that you get the best when it comes to reading is to remember to be comfortable. Read in a place, where you can guarantee that you’ll be comfortable, feel better, and do better as a whole. Remember that comfort is all about putting you first so that you can get the best in reading success.

9. Practice- Of course one of the best ways to make sure that you get a real quality reading experience is to remember to practice, and keep practicing. The reality of it is that you need to make sure that even if you stumble, that you should remember to keep practicing so that you can have read reading success. Thus, when it comes to reading, be sure to remember to practice, and get the absolute best in your reading experience.

10. Fun- It’s very important to remember that when it comes to reading, that you need to remember to make it fun so that you will enjoy what you’re reading. Thus, if you need to draw out what you’ve read, go ahead. Also, if you need to write out ten thoughts that came to mind with your writing, by all means, do so. Making reading fun, can and will offer the best when it comes to a real and truly amazing learning experience.

At our school we know it’s plain to see
Encouragement is best for you and me
We want to offer a helping hand
We build up, so we can do the master plan
Hope, joy, success, and more
It all begins when we walk in the door
We want to do well, so we will be thrilled
At our school, it’s simple, positive, we build


Listening skills- When it comes to developing and having good listening skills, the important thing to remember is that it’s all about making sure that you are respectful, and that you actually listen. Listening is a crucial part of success in the world, so it’s important to learn good listening skills. Below are five tips for good listening skills.

  1. Repeat- One of the best ways to show that you have good listening skills is to repeat back what someone has said to you. When you repeat back what someone says, it shows that you have a real vested interest in their viewpoint, thoughts, and words. Remember, repeating back what someone says not only offers validation, but it also offers clear communication
  2. The difference- It’s important to remember that there is a difference between listening and hearing. When you just hear someone, but you don’t listen, chances are that they can feel ignored and devalued as a whole. Thus, it’s important to remember to listen and hear because the message will be understood, and the person will overall feel respected.
  3. Eye contact- Of course one of the best ways that a person can and will know that you’re listening, is if you maintain eye contact with them. When you maintain eye contact, you can guarantee that you’ll get the best results, and it will show that you’re paying attention and truly listening. Remember eye contact validates and makes you a better listener.
  4. Avoid interruptions- When you avoid interruptions, you can guarantee that you’ll get the best when it comes to being a true listener. Interruptions or talking out of turn often show the person talking that you don’t care about what they are saying. Thus, be sure to remember to avoid any and all interruptions, so that you can be a better listener.
  5. Patience- It’s important to remember that with good listening skills comes patience. True communicators are very successful when it comes to being patient to speak and react. Thus, be sure to remember to take a deep breath, be patient, and don’t rush it, when it comes to real listening success.