Dress Code

Presently, Summit Academy North High School encourages modesty in daily dress and grooming habits. It is the  responsibility of the individual student, his/her parents, and high school staff to follow the guidelines for appropriate  dress within reasonable standards or social acceptance. 


A Few Guidelines to Follow:


    • It is expected that all students will come to school  dressed modestly. 
    • Clothes are clean and in good repair. 
    • Students will  maintain the dress code throughout the entire school day without exception. 
    • Modesty and safety will always be a priority.  
    • If administration views any clothing as non-supportive to these guidelines, a student will be asked to modify, compliance is expected and appreciated. 
    • Ultimately, each building administrator makes the final decision on appropriate attire.
    • Clear backpacks are allowed and must be kept inside the student’s locker. 
    • Students may carry small, no larger than 12X12, purses/bags.  
  • Graphics/words/pictures/logos are expected to be school appropriate. This will be monitored and enforced. Administrative discretion.