Dress Code

Students will be allowed to wear any well-fitting and school appropriate clothing they choose. Modesty should be prioritized when selecting your clothing. Hoodies can be worn but students may not wear anything on their heads unless for religious purposes. For safety reasons, it is strongly recommended that students wear flat heeled and closed toed shoes as well as studs when it comes to piercings, nothing that dangles. In addition, students that choose to wear distressed jeans (those jeans that have holes in them) should plan to wear leggings under the jeans if the holes are located above the knee. As always, school administration will ultimately decide on the appropriateness of student clothing. Summit wear will be made available for any student that does not adhere to our plan.

Dress code for field trips: Students will dress for field trips in a manner that is appropriate for the field trip activities. Students who do not dress appropriately will not be permitted to attend.